Jonty James

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Daily preparation for a healthy body and mind

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Each time we wake up in the morning we embark on a new day, another journey presented to us, filled with opportunities to get ahead or to fall behind based solely on the decisions we make.

These choices we make are the backbones of our long-term prosperity and have a compounding effect the more consistent they are.

So, the better we look after our body the more it improves and with consistency, newfound energy can flow into improvement in other areas of life.

If we forgo healthy eating and exercise for a prolonged period it becomes harder to get back on track, we become too comfortable, which then leads to a lack in other areas of life; our health declines, our relationships suffer and ultimately, we suffer as a consequence of all of this.

The momentum that builds from consistency can take us in either direction. Upwards to a heightened state of being; healthy, fit and emotionally in tune. Or, downwards to a low state of being; unhealthy, unfit, and emotionally all over the show. It takes time for these scenarios to play out in their entirety as these are polar opposites of our wellbeing, however, these are both possible scenarios for each independent person on this planet.

For the most part, we tend to bounce around the middle of the health spectrum, with periods of healthy living followed by stints of inertia or unhealthy living. This means that most people will never experience either side of the health spectrum and cruise through life not understanding their full potential or ever striving to get close to reaching it.

We all have the inbuilt innate ability to be extremely healthy, happy and vibrant while living a life with purpose. However, this potential lies dormant for many.

This is where the concept of preparing and maintaining our body comes into play.

As with anything material or non-material in our lives, if we look after and maintain these things, they will generally last a long time and we gain as much value as we can. Good knives for example are forged with precision and care. When we first use them, they are spotless, sharp and very versatile. As time progresses, and if they are not maintained, then the blades will start to blunt and they won’t work as well, eventually becoming unusable. However, with regular maintenance, the blades remain clean and sharp, and they will last a lifetime just as good as when we first used them.

Just as knives are tools to make operations in the kitchen more efficient, our bodies are tools to make our interactions with the world better. Most of us are born with a clean slate and when we maintain our body our ability to operate in the world becomes more fluid and we move with ease rather than struggling through life.

If we wish to uphold a heightened state of being, we must prioritise certain things in our in daily lives. Some of the basics are; clean food and water, quality movement, and genuine personal reflective time free from technology.

I’m not exactly reinventing the wheel here, however, these are some of the foundations of health. Often though, basics are overlooked while we search for the latest fad diet, new pill or quick fix to alleviate our lazy attempts to build solid foundations for our body and mind. If our base is solid then the life we build on top of it will be able to weather the storms and earthquakes of life that try to break us down.

Once we have the foundations sorted, we can build whatever we desire.

Clean food and water are processed by our gut and other organs to form the structure of our body.

We are a direct result of everything we eat so before adding things to your diet, start by removing the things that aren’t so good.

You can start by decreasing the consumption of highly processed and refined sugar-laden foods, try to avoid anything featured on the ingredients list that has numbers in it, aim to avoid deep-fried foods, reduce the expenditure on takeaways and reduce the intake of anything that isn’t water. All of the above stress the body and create inflammation in the system.

Yes, we can still treat ourselves at times but we need to realise that processed foods, refined sugar products and drinks, mass-produced and processed meats and fast foods are highly damaging to our bodies on a cellular level, not to mention the effects on our energy levels and the functionality of our brain. These are not natural to our system and should be limited as much as possible.

Now, we need to increase our awareness for what constitutes clean foods; daily fresh fruit, daily fresh vegetables, quality protein sources, healthy fats and clean water. Basically, foods in their whole form as they would have grown in nature are what our bodies crave.

However, the fact that most humans are not adequately educated on the basics of healthy eating and our over-reliance on convenience foods has hijacked our senses to decipher how to make a healthier choice. We are ruled by our emotions and attachments to convenience foods and restricted by our limited knowledge of what to choose and how to eat clean for our own individual requirements.

Make the change as soon as you possibly can to reverse the slow and steady degrading of your body due to consuming un-natural food and drink. You can still treat yourself but don’t rely on these convenience foods to fuel you throughout the day. Decide to opt for healthier choices and snacks along with adequate clean water. You won’t regret it.

Quality movement ties in well with clean eating and is another one of the foundations for our health.

When we are physically able, we open ourselves up to so many more possibilities in life. To remain physically able we must intentionally move our bodies for extended periods of time almost every day we have the capacity to.

You may have to start slow by simply walking around the neighbourhood block for 10–15 minutes each day, then gradually increase the complexity and time as you progress. Put on some good music, an audiobook or podcast and enjoy the environment around you; rain, hail or shine, it’s always a good time.

When your body becomes fitter and it's capacity for movement increases you can start to experiment and explore different ways to move your body. I can assure you that you will find something you enjoy if really put time into looking for what’s out there. Running, walking, hill sprinting, hiking, cycling, rowing, yoga, soccer, roller skating, martial arts, gym… the list goes on.

One thing leads to another and the more consistent you become at moving your body the more your horizons expand and the more things you will be able to do. Don’t be concerned if you cannot master these things right away, as we all have to start somewhere and it is simply just a process to follow. Go ahead, start moving your body and see what happens.

Personal reflective time is the third foundational piece. This time with yourself away from technology is crucial to processing and releasing the thoughts that circulate in our mind on a daily basis. We must give ourselves space to process our thoughts properly otherwise they can bottle up over a long period of time and eventually explode in ways we wish they wouldn’t.

This can be as simple as putting our phone on aeroplane mode, sitting or laying on a comfy couch or bed, or even in nature and closing our eyes to listen to what our mind is trying to highlight to us. Then sitting with and observing these thoughts without judgement for a chosen amount of time.

If you find it uncomfortable to sit with yourself you can start with 30 seconds. Set the timer and open your eyes once the timer is over. If you are more ambitious you can set the timer for longer and see how you go.

A commitment to a daily practice of this can-do wonders for us as it helps to unpack the constructs we build in our minds. Even if you start with 30 seconds this is better than none. If sitting in silence isn’t your thing then consider going for a walk and leave your phone at home so you can be with yourself.

Another option is yoga as this helps still the mind and release tension from the body. Basically, any activity where you are by yourself and away from technology for a certain amount of time gives the mind time to process the stream of thoughts running through it. It’s simple and so effective.

The three areas discussed above are some basics to focus on to prepare and strengthen our body and mind and when practised consistently can bring ease into our lives. Individually they have benefits and when combined they work synergistically to elevate us to higher states of being which include; balanced energy, mental and physical endurance, balanced emotions and overall better quality of life.

You owe it to yourself so let go of any expectations, start slow, strive for consistency rather than max effort and the rest will fall into place.