Nature has its own rules, much the same as the rules that govern us, we have come from nature so these rules apply to us all.

However, when humans came on to the scene, they figured out some of these rules and took advantage of them. This bred the agricultural revolution. This led to larger communities growing which helped connect people on a Larger scale. This led to further innovations such as food processing and genetic modification with the purpose to increase yields and extract individual components of foods required to manufacture food en masse. The idea behind this came with good intentions. How do we produce more food to feed more people at a lower cost and still profit from it.

There is no doubt this has solved some large issues we faced as a rapidly growing society. However, this problem solving has come with side effects. Altered chemical compounds that constitute genetically modified and super processed highly engineered foods aren't natural for our bodies. Yes, we have the ability to adapt, but our physical adaptations take place over a larger span of time. I'm talking 10s of thousands of years. Whereas the majority of "foods" available in the supermarkets today weren't available 100 years ago. We simply have not had the time to adjust. The effects of this have been dastardly on our being. Leading to the highest rates ever seen of lifestyle chronic illness such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease among many others.

We are the direct result of what enters our body. Let me reiterate that. Our physical composition is a direct result of everything that has entered our mouth. Basically Proteins build us, carbs fuel us and fats aid the process of both of these along with some other biological processes. IT'S obviously not as simple As this but you get the idea of it. So, it would be fair to say if we were to consume these in their most natural unadulterated forms that our bodies would respond in the best way possible right. Whereas when we eat junk hyper-processed or Genetically modified foods our bodies are going to respond in unnatural ways.

The food we eat is either healing us or killing us.

You choose which side of the spectrum you wish to Sit on.