Hi i’m Jonty


Hi i’m Jonty..

Overthinker. Health believer. Hell-bent on a mission to master every aspect of my being.

Born with the ability to wing it in most situations in life. Somehow always making it to the other side, maybe Some broken bones, cuts Or scratches accumulated along the way..i’m still here to tell my tale.

This life has taken me on some very interesting adventures. Deep Down the rabbit hole Many times, yet, I’m always able to come out the other side To look back, Reflect, take The lessons learnt and move forward. Some of these lessons had to be taught many times for them to sink in. From blackout wild nights, to street fights, all topped off with erratic egotistical behaviour that eventually led to court appearances. Nothing I am proud to admit.

I have always sought answers, constantly treading down many different paths. This at times spiralled into the abuse of many different substances. Months upon months of consistent pot smoking fuelled with higher weekends using anything and everything else. At the time This was all considered “normal” and Despite it all some amazing friendships were formed and lots of unforgettable times had that I don’t regret. I thank all that have been in my life for accepting me for who I was and letting the wild child inside of me come out.

This high speed life had to all come crashing down at some point though..

My finance degree had directed me into the banking scene, a path that I thought was right at the time. Suave suits and shiny shoes, topped off with slick hairdos. It felt good, I felt like I was moving up in the world. After playing my cards right i got a promotion with better pay and exponential future prospects, I thought I was set. It was high-level work, moving a lot of money around, working with big companies, and it all just fuelled my ego even more. I was trying to Uphold a corporate career whilst going for it in the weekends. Work hard, play hard right?.. Well, it wasn’t sustainable for me.

out of the blue, on just another normal day, a feeling came over me, a deep feeling that this wasn’t where I belonged. I resisted it, I didn’t want to let my family and friends down. I didn’t want to leave the career That i had aspired towards since the age of 11 and had then studied and worked 6 years for. I couldn’t figure it out like I usually could. I turned to more drug use. I had bouts of insomnia and to top it all off I had a total breakdown, not just once but many times, Even in front of my director at work. What a low point I THOUGHT this was.

It dawned on me that this was not where I was supposed to be and with blind faith, I handed in my notice that sent me down a new path. On the OTHER SIDE of my decision, I was met with an unexpected opportunity, a lifeline out of there.

This Choice, That seemed so radical to everyone around me, sent me down a new path, a path of self discovery, slowly but surely starting to come back to myself, connecting with my passions, learning and growing each and every day. I dove deep, right into the deep end SOMETIMES. It wasn’t all good though. This in itself had its ups and downs, rights and wrongs. I Have REALIZED I am still a work in progress and now know this is an eternal process.

All I wish to do is share what I have learnt along the way with the hope that this could potentially help others, maybe even just one person. It would all be worth it for that. All worth it to shine the light for others to see that they too can get through these times. There is always a way. Always a way back to who we really are.

Peace to you all,



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