Disconnecting from over connection

I myself, still have my own struggles.

I still doubt myself at times.

I see light and dark in a constant battle.

I feel the pain of our fellow beings, suffering at the demise of a fractured system.

I wonder if this world is really worth fighting for,
and if it is,
what is my role in making this place better for all?

I see technology sweeping us off our feet…
Literally and metaphorically. We are innovating and excelling at an ever-increasing rate, leaving many in the dust, however, forgetting that we have all originated from the same place.

We are simply a creation of this planet, connected at a deeper level, all long lost relatives from long long ago.

The separation from other humans forges a divide within us, opening up a void that we try to fill with anything and everything we can get our hands-on.

We are constantly seeking to buy the latest gadget, wear the designer clothes, visit the best places, usually all for the perfect photo that is uploaded online so the rest of the world can see how “successful” we are, all but taking us away from the true enjoyment of the moment.

“In this world of highspeed connection, we have become more disconnected, more disconnected with ourselves and others, with nature and nurture.”

I do believe there is still time to flip the script on this.

It can all be turned around.

We need to step away from our devices, pause for a moment, and realize that we don’t need to be connected to the outside world every single minute of every day.

Start by properly engaging with yourself, engaging with others, engaging in the true beauty of life. Engaging in simple pleasures such as sitting in a park, walking on the beach, or just bathing in the sun.

Don’t be afraid to sit with yourself, free from the distractions of technology.

Put down your devices for one second and bathe in the present moment.

This is a genuine connection, free from distraction and notifications. A time to actually be with yourself and only yourself. A sanctuary from the outside world.

I’m not saying that you should throw away your devices, detach from society, and enter a commune in the bush…
But, you should set personal boundaries as to how and why you are using technology.

Is it benefitting your life right at this moment or is it actually a distraction from being with yourself?

Technology is far more powerful than you can ever imagine.

It has helped us rise from the ashes to create the most advanced society we have ever witnessed and used wisely it can help us push our boundaries in the best way possible.

Decide to disconnect from the connections that don’t serve your purpose and connect to the connections that truly matter.

I know you know which ones these are.

When you change for the better the world changes.

It’s up to you.


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